Roborock C10

Roborock C10 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review (1600Pa)

Imagine not having to worry about mops and buckets, or even the time and effort to clean your floors and carpet? But, they still remain clean even without you being much involved. That would be a great experience, and a robotic cleaner can help you with that. The Roborock C10 is one of the robot vacuum cleaners that work remotely without the need for your elbow grease. To help you understand how this device functions and if it is reliable enough, here is a Roborock C10 review for you.

What’s the price?

About The Cleaner

The Roborock C10 is a nice looking robot vacuum cleaner that has been designed with a strong suction power that’s able to clean both your hard floors and carpets. It also features innovative technology that makes it swift in cleaning. You will not have to worry about manning the device. Plus, it perfectly works hands-free. This means that you can comfortably carry on with your work as the little beast is fighting and getting rid of the dirt and dust in your house.


  • Size/Design

As a robotic cleaner, you’d expect this device to come in a small and compact design. It is small and lightweight too. It measures 13.8 by 3.5 by 13.9 inches, and only weighs 7 pounds. That is light enough to carry it around when you need to store or use it. Notice that it stands at 3.5 inches tall. That is slim enough to fit under beds, coffee tables, and even couches easily. No more bending when you have this device.

The robot cleaner packs a 640ml dust bin that is considered a ‘big one’ in the vacuum field. You will, therefore, clean your floors easily without the need for constant emptying.

  • Suction Power

This cleaner might seem small, but it has big potential at keeping your floors and carpet clean. It comes with a suction power of 1600Pa, which is strong enough to get through and eliminate any dust and debris on the floor. This suction power can also suck up pet hair off the floor.

  • Cleaning Ability

We loved how advanced this device is, especially in terms of its cleaning ability. The cleaner delivers a 3D cleaning system that will make your floors sparkling clean. There is the main brush, which will float up and down to keep it close to the ground. On the other hand, there is a side brush that moves and adjusts the speed automatically according to the cleaning situation. In other words, the cleaner will sweep the floor horizontally and vertically (no spot will be left unclean).

Speaking of spots, the robot cleaner does an amazing job at spot cleaning. As a matter of fact, it has a Spot Clean button that will make it draw a 1.2m diameter circle on the current location. This way, it will clean that specific spot accordingly.

  • Navigation System/Sensors

Honestly, you won’t need to worry about the device bumping into stuff in the house. It comes with ten sensors that will detect an obstacle near the cleaner. It will know if it’s moving along a wall or when there is an object in its way. The best part is that it’ll know if it is retracing its route. This means that it won’t repeat where it has already cleaned. The device will also automatically turn off as soon as you lift it off the ground. If there are people, pets, or obstacles in its way, it will instantly slow down.

  • Remote Controlled

You can use the Mi Home app to control this device. This app allows you to schedule cleans, control it manually, choose cleaning modes, or view its cleaning process.

It also charges automatically when the battery is below 30%. It will automatically go back to the charging dock to juice up.


  • Slim and lightweight
  • High suction power
  • Works hands-free
  • It auto-charges
  • Cleans both carpet and hard floors
  • Ten sensors onboard to prevent bumping into obstacles
  • Spot cleans perfectly


  • Not ideal for medium to high pile carpets
  • It isn’t a heavy duty cleaner


Generally, the Roborock C10 qualifies as one of the best robotic vacuum cleaners out there. Its performance is impressive, and you’d love it if you live in an apartment or a small house. Well, it may not be the perfect choice for a large home, but this vacuum cleaner is a great investment to have at home. It is effortless to work with, and you will enjoy the whole cleaning process. Plus, the price tag is quite friendly, making it a device that is a bargain.

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Roborock C10 Review


Our Rating



  • Cyclonic cleaning system
  • 3D cleaning system
  • 10 sensor types
  • Carpet boost
  • Powerful app control

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